TopIt - Window utility for Windows

It's been many years since Linux became my #1 OS of choice, for a variety of reasons. However, I changed job recently and one unfortunate side effect of that, is that I'm now having to spend my work hours on Windows again. Apart from the lackluster command-line, bloated environment, inhospitable development experience etc. etc. one of the annoying aspects, is how desktop and window management basically haven't changed since Windows 95 - for instance, it's still up to the individual application in question, whether it wants to allow the user to pin down a window, promoting its z-order to always be on top. This blog entry is about my attempt at bringing a bit more power to window management as seen from a Linux user. Gnome Linux desktop Talking about "the Linux desktop" is a bit of a misnomer. There are of course countless of XOrg window managers . All the recent KDE and Gnome versions I've come across, supports being able to pin a window on top (promote ...