Best-practice Android logging

A blog post about Android logging? Must be a slow news day you are probably already thinking, but hear me out on this one. This is a quick tour around my personal best-practices and you may likely not agree with all of them - if so, let me know in the comments. ;) Android Studio and LogCat On Android, logging has always been an integral part of the development experience, first through the standalone LogCat utility and since through the Android Studio integration. The build-in LogCat now even offers advanced filtering capabilities based on logging level, regular expressions for package names, logging tag and the actual log messages. However, all this power is really only useful if you play along nicely at the source level as well, or you will drown in log messages without really knowing how to specify what you want to see. This is a common problem as the Android OS and any libraries you may use will spit out an obscene amount of logging, especially at the verbose level. Use correct...