Tweaking javac leniency

While a great fan of type-safety and static checking, I also like a certain amount of leniency from compilers. Sun's Java compiler is a good example of one that goes overboard in some anal, misunderstood attempt at servicing the developer.
In the following I will explain why I think so and how to fix it by modifying the publicly available source code for the compiler. Note that although I have done something similar before, I am no compiler expert and never will be. The modifications shown in this post are mere tweaks and I will stay far away from anything below semantic analysis.

"Exception is never thrown"

Have you ever had a good coding session, with design, implementation and refactoring happening at an immense speed as you try to perfect the internals of a piece of code? All of a sudden you are distracted because a try block no longer contains any methods that declares a checked exception. So now, in order to satisfy the compiler, you'll have to focus on removing these alternate, albeit dead and harmless paths. Indeed, you will have to carefully uncomment everything but the body of the try block.

As a concrete but contrived example, imagine something like this:

Settings settings = null;

try {
settings = Settings.loadFile("settings.conf");

} catch (IOException ex) {
// Logging...
// Cleanup...

Now then imagine you need to test something real quick, and thus prefers to just new up the Settings() object or something similar, so you comment out the line where it loads from a file:

Settings settings = new Settings();

try {
// settings = Settings.loadFile("settings.conf");

} catch (IOException ex) {
// Logging...
// Cleanup...

That won't work of course, because of the paranoid rules surrounding checked exceptions. Instead, we'll see the compiler complain:

casper@workstation:~$ javac exception is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement
} catch (IOException ex) {
1 error

So in order to have it run, you meticulously comment out everything related to the try-catch-finally block:

Settings settings = new Settings();

//try {
// settings = Settings.loadFile("settings.conf");
//} catch (IOException ex) {
// // Logging...
// // Cleanup...

That's just stupid and gets even worse if you have any kind of propagating hierarchy in place! Static checking should be an assistance rather than an annoyance, this is clearly a case of the static dial being placed a tad too high.

Catching checked exceptions without a throw

We can fix this by getting our hands on the OpenJDK source, in my case I opted for the easy-to-use Kijaro sandbox, which Stephen Colebourne set up to encurrage this kind of hacking. Kijaro includes instructions on how to build javac for both Windows and Linux. If you want to try this kind of hacking yourself, you are going to need a checkout of this sandbox or a similar OpenJDK branch. Alternatively, if all you want to do is play with the tweaks I'll demonstrate here, you may just get a copy of my modified javac.

The semantic analysis parts of OpenJDK is largely contained in the package, for our purpose we're going to need hosting a bunch of data-flow analysis methods that's responsible for raising error conditions surrounding the use of checked exceptions. The compiler walks the AST of the source code through a double-dispatch mechanism (visitor pattern) that calls methods in with the current AST node as argument. This means all we have to do is locate the proper callback and modify it according to our need. Down around line 951 you should see the following:

public void visitTry(JCTry tree) {

if (chk.subset(exc, caughtInTry)) {
"except.already.caught", exc);
} else if (!chk.isUnchecked(l.head.pos(), exc) &&
exc.tsym != syms.throwableType.tsym &&
exc.tsym != syms.exceptionType.tsym &&
!chk.intersects(exc, thrownInTry)) {
"", exc);


Evidently, here's some logic that looks like it's logging an error if a checked exception is not being thrown (catch-list does not intersect with thrown-in-try-list). Let's change the line from logging an error, to logging a warning:

log.warning(l.head.pos(), "", exc);

That's actually all that's needed in the compiler itself. However, note the obvious reference to a resource key "". This is part of a reference to an entry in the file If you open this you'll notice the following line:\
exception {0} is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement

The key does not match the one from the log statement completely, as it is prepended with "compiler.err.". Since we changed the logging from an error to being a warning, javac will search in vain for an entry with the key "". As we can not simply fix this by changing the key reference in, we are going to modify the existing, or add a new entry to\
exception {0} is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement

Now compile Kijaro/OpenJDK and watch what happens when you use your new javac build to compile our previous Settings sample:

casper@workstation:~$ tweakedjavac

We have successfully modified the compiler to make our life a little easier. There are a bunch of similar tweaks one could make, all in the same easy fashion as explained above. For instance, I have converted checked exceptions from being an error to being a warning (hint: errorUncaught on line 298), which means they don't get in the way of rapid development while at the same time not really losing any of the benefits - production code should compile without warnings anyway.
Likewise, I have made it so that the unreachable statement error is now also just a warning (hint: scanStat on line 493), thus allowing me to short-circuit a method or similar with a return statement without having me temporarily comment out the remaining code. To demonstrate all of this in one go, take a look at the following sample code:


public class TweakedJavaCTest{
public static void main(String... args){
// Test of "checked exception not caught" (throws InterruptedException)
System.out.println("After sleep...");

// Test of "checked exception not thrown"
System.out.println("Inside try...");
}catch(IOException e){

// Test of "unreachable statement"
System.out.println("This will never be executed!");

With a stock javac, you won't get very far:

casper@workstation:~$ javac exception is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement
}catch(IOException e){
^ unreachable statement
System.out.println("This will never be executed!");
^ unreported exception java.lang.InterruptedException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
3 errors

In fact, we have no artifact to run. With the tweaked compiler it's an entirely different matter however:

casper@workstation:~$ tweakedjavac warning: exception is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement
}catch(IOException e){
^ warning: unreachable statement
System.out.println("This will never be executed!");
^ warning: unreported exception java.lang.InterruptedException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
3 warnings

Since we've reduced the previous errors to now being just warnings, we'll get an actual build which we can run:

casper@workstation:~$ java TweakedJavaCTest
After sleep...
Inside try...

Voila, pretty easy eh? If you want to play with this javac build you can grab it here. To compile a Java source file with this javac build, you need to use it this way:

casper@workstation:~$ java -Xbootclasspath/p:tweakedjavac.jar -jar tweakedjavac.jar

In conclusion

I'm actually surprised at how easy it was to make these small tweaks. While some people clap their hand at checked exceptions, I think this more lenient version is how the Java compiler should have behaved from day one. The obvious drawback is that you are required to build and distribute your own javac which won't sit very well in many organizations, even if you could still use it as a less-hassle development tool for yourself. The other issue is that of IDE support, although it should be relatively easy* to plug this javac into NetBeans, other IDE's rely entirely on their own parser.

It would be nice if tweaks like these would be considered for the official JDK7, since it doesn't actually break backwards compatibility. However, Sun is an extremely conservative company and has not shown interest in fixing or evolving the compiler over the last couple of years.
Perhaps the way forward is an alternative approach, which does much the same, but without requiring a modified compiler. Reinier Zwitserloot from the Lombok project is dabbling on such an approach which you might want to check out.

* I did give it a quick try, packing up a tools.jar and placed in the JAVA_HOME/lib folder and making sure NetBeans were using this platform for my project. However it did not work as expected. While I was able to build inside NetBeans, the syntax highlighting did not pick up on my modifications.


I have since added this to Kijaro under the branch leniency (you'll need a login).


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