Ønsker du at installere Rejsekortscanner uden om Google Play, måske fordi din enhed ved en fejl er blokeret, så kan du til hver en tid hente nyeste version her. Linket vil blive (forsøgt) holdt up-to-date med seneste release.
Oracle SQLDeveloper is one of those tools you just kind of need around, but with its slew of bugs around so once its setup, you try not to touch it. Occasionally, Oracle releases a new version (or an early preview) with some of the bugs fixed and this appears to be the case with version 4 Early Preview . Unfortunately, these early previews are no longer distributed as general gzip archives to work on any Linux/Mac distro, there's only a RedHat RPM installer for the Linux platform. Thankfully, this is easy to fix using the utility we known and love as Alien. Conversion of RPM to DEB Start by ensuring you have the Alien utility installed. ~$ sudo apt-get install alien Then after downloading the RPM package from Oracle, run it through the alien utility. ~$ sudo alien sqldeveloper- Warning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package sqldeveloper: postinst Warning: Use the --scripts parameter to include the scripts. sqldeveloper_4.
Meta-data and how to associate it has always been a bit of a confusing topic in Java. For instance, the transient modifier is really a kind of marker annotation, as is the @deprecated javadoc tag compilers are also required to process, as is the marker interface Serializable. Then in JDK 1.5, a dedicated annotation facility was added, probably in light of the success of C#'s attributes. One of the first practical uses of annotations appears to be as a way to suppress compiler warnings. @SuppressWarnings This build-in annotation allows the developer to signal a respecting compiler that it should forgo a particular warning. It can be applied in front of a type, a field, a method, a parameter, a constructor as well as a local variable. It is up to the compiler to make sense of whatever you put inside the String, the only value mandated by the JLS is the "unchecked". Compilers as well as IDE's will typically implement each their own set of warning types, the Eclipse IDE d...
Jeg har i længere tid arbejdet på en betalingsversion af Rejsekortscanner, til dem der efterspørger at komme af med reklamerne. Men når man lancerer noget man tager betaling for, vil kunder naturligt forvente høj kvalitet og jeg følte ikke helt at den gamle version kunne leve op til dette. Dette betød, at jeg i større grad skulle benytte mig af den dokumentation jeg har fået adgang til fra Rejsekort A/S, ligesom jeg havde brug for en stor pulje af tests for at sikre imod regressioner - for jeg har stadig begrænset adgang til den forretningslogik der ligger til grund for rejsekortet (hvad er den maksimale rejsetid, hvad er den maksimale transit tid, hvordan hånderes vintertid osv.). Derfor besluttede jeg mig for, at både den gratis (med reklamer i) samt kommende betalingsversion, skulle baseres på samme kode og derfor begyndte arbejdet først og fremmest på en version 2.0 af den gratis udgave. Det har taget længere tid end ønsket, men det var dét der skulle til. App'en er altså ...