
Showing posts from 2017

Klaphatte til app brugere

This entry is in Danish, as it contains quotes in this language which can not readily be translated without loss of meaning. Som app udvikler, må man være parat til at modtage en del flak (læs: beskydning med spredhagl fra folk der ikke ved bedre men brokker sig i øst og vest) og det er jo et relativ kendt fænomen der er skrevet om utallige steder som f.eks. her . Der sker bare noget med folk når de i relativ anonymitet, får lov til at udtale sig og bedømme på et meget spinkelt grundlag - pludselig er de eksperter og kunne lave det meget bedre selv. Eksempel på en klaphat I dag modtog jeg f.eks. følgende review fra Jesper (fulde navn og email bekendt af redaktionen) som jeg, som så ofte før, besvarer inde på Google Play. Jesper er jo et klassiske eksempel på en fejl-informeret bruger med en inkompatibel tlf. der ikke helt har brugt tid på at undersøge sagen nærmere. Fred være med det tænker jeg, NFC formater er også et tricky emne for alm. mennesker at forholde sig til. Me...

Android NFC radio control using instrumentation

I have always worked a lot with NFC on Android. For this reason, I tend to favor real devices over emulators, since missing an NFC radio means there's no way to truly test the intricacies of radio communication. Unfortunately, one can not power cycle the NFC radio using any official API unless going through hoops and using rooted devices, so ensuring NFC radio power state during testing is an uphill battle. For instrumented test scenarios however, there is actually a way forward. UIAutomator to the rescue While not as elegant as using an API, we can launch the settings screen for NFC and manipulate it through the use of instrumentation. This is NOT possible using modern Espresso which limits you to the app under test, but thankfully the UIAutomator framework is still available. The accompanying UIAutomator Viewer tool (which has now moved to sdk/tools/bin/uiautomatorviewer) is a great asset in this regard as it helps us identify the widget we need to manipulate. What the...

BangBits Privacy Policy

Welcome to the BangBits Privacy Policy When you use apps and other software developer by BangBits, you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. It is important to understand, that BangBits operate both as an owner of given software and as a proxy for work developer by Customers. App's published by BangBits but taking part of a specific Customer solution are treated separately in the "Specific Products" section below. Information we collect and why we collect it We collect information to provide better customer experience. This may happen through various forms of remote logging using Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics or similar tool. At no time is personal data directly mappable to an identifiable user being collected. What can be collected is: Device identifiers (DeviceID, IMEI and handset identifiers) in order to black-list and/or white-list oth...